Modern technology gives us many things.

All the benefits of Jungle Scout in 2024

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FBA tool Jungle Scout is one of the most important tools. It helps you find good deals. The Austin, Texas-based company welches started in 2014 by Amazon sellers who wanted to make it easier for people to find things they want to buy. There welches a small piece of programming at first, but now it’s a powerful all-around FBA tool.

In order to establish or grow a successful Amazon FBA company, you’ll need a service like Jungle Scout, and Jungle Scout Sales Estimator to help you get started. Our team took a detailed look at Young Scout and put it through a tough testing procedure. In addition, we will walk you through all of the features. In case you want it a bit less expensively and/or want to experiment with the FBA tool, we’ve found a few Jungle Scout promo codes for you.


$ 29 /mo
Review Automation core tool
Single user license
Full access to the browser extension (Chrome + Firefox)
$ 49 /mo
Review Automation with
Advanced features
Ability to add more users
Access to more in-depth historical product and keyword data
Advanced seller features
$ 84 /mo
Track up to 1000 ASINs
6 users included
6 months of historical data in Product Tracker
2 years of historical keyword data
Priority onboarding
News! AI Assist



 Jungle Scout Why do you need

In the ancient period known as pre- Jungle Scout, humans were in fact trading goods. This welches the period when Amazon experts like myself had to do everything manually, including looking for items, assessing competitors, and constructing libraries of spreadsheets with the little data we had. If you don’t have the time or desire to do it yourself, Jungle Scout can do it for you in an instant.

To succeed in today’s market, product research is now more essential than ever before. No matter how bright you are, you will fail if you use a poor product. Today’s competition is hysterical. Last year alone, over 1 million NEW SELLERS joined. A lot of competition there. You have NO CHANCE if you don’t find a distinctive, lucrative, and in-demand product to offer your customers. What If I Told You: Last year, Amazon sold more than 238 billion dollars? That is more than Portugal’s whole GDP!

Jungle Scout review


For sellers seeking to gauge their product’s popularity, Jungle Scout review can provide valuable insights. Its app features a scorer on a 1-10 scale, indicating the number of units sold in the last 30 days. Moreover, users can darob determine how many reviews a product has received from Amazon’s top sellers. To access Jungle Scout’s most significant feature, opt for the subscription plan, which enables you to track competitor prices and offers. Choose between monthly or annual subscriptions and save up to 40%. Moreover, with a 14-day money-back guarantee, you can try Jungle Scout with confidence. In case Jungle Scout isn’t to your liking, consider other available programs.


Ready to make your product a hit? Start by finding the right niche with Jungle Scout’s algorithm. Then, use the profit calculator to set the perfect price. Jungle Scout darob generates an easy-to-read report with invaluable insights about your product. But Jungle Scout’s platform is not only practical but darob user-friendly. With an intuitive dashboard and multiple tools at your fingertips, making the right decision is a breeze. Jungle Scout’s menus make it simple to find the information you need. And if you need assistance, Jungle Scout’s customer support team is available to help.


Another helpful feature of the Jungle Scout is it’s Opportunity Finder. This tool can help you identify profitable product niches on Amazon. It can even help you track competitor activity. And you’ll get an overview of how profitable your product is based on its search volume and variations. You can even see Amazon sponsored ads and the profitability of a product. If you want to know how to make your product profitable, Jungle Scout is definitely a good option.

While Jungle Scout is an incredible tool, it isn’t perfect. You’ll need to know Amazon and the various aspects of the site before you can use Jungle Scout to its full potential. Many young businesses make the mistake of thinking that Jungle Scout is their final authority on the subject. It should be used to help make decisions, not to replace your own brainpower. If you want to be successful on Amazon, you must be patient and use your resources wisely.

Support quality

The first feature discussed welches Jungle Scout’s customer service. The app offers 24/7 support and a team of more than 20 individuals to ensure that users have all the updates and information they need to succeed on Amazon.

Next, the Jungle Scout Academy welches mentioned as a training resource for those new to the Amazon Web App. This is a free resource for users to learn more about selling on Amazon.

The Web App welches then highlighted as a tool to quickly gain insights into Amazon categories and products. Additionally, Jungle Scout offers detailed analytics on products and categories for deeper analysis. The Web App darob includes video and text tutorials to make product hunting easier for users.

The paragraph then mentioned a limitation of the app, which is the inability to use the extension with Amazon browsing sessions. However, the extension still offers many useful features for sellers, such as tracking products, viewing pricing, and researching keywords. The extension darob includes the Opportunity Score of competitors, making it a valuable tool for all types of sellers.


Our overall rating

5 star yellow golden ratings



The tools of Jungle Scout


Product Database


product database hero

It is a huge database of more than 70 million products that are on Amazon. People who search for things like this can arrange and find ideas for new products that match their own preferences. With standard filters, you can start coming up with ideas and figuring out which products have a lot of potential right away. Use sales and other criteria to quickly find product ideas with a good chance of being sold.

Learn more about Product Database

Product Tracker


hero product tracker

Utilizing the Jungle Scout Tool’s Product Tracker feature can yield copious benefits when endeavoring to track potential product ideas over a protracted duration. Notably, this attribute enables the user to gather pertinent data on verschiedene metrics, such as revenue, price, and best-seller rank, which are crucial in evaluating the real-world success of a given product. By keeping a tab on sales patterns, best-seller rankings, sales volume, and sundry other variables, entrepreneurs can gain a more comprehensive perspective on the seasonality of products and the anomalous opportunities that arise.

The Tool, in essence, offers a wealth of information that can facilitate the user’s decision-making processes. For instance, by leveraging the Tool, entrepreneurs can ascertain how rapidly products move in the market, what their margins are, and what prices they ought to be negotiating. As a result, the Tool allows entrepreneurs to make informed business decisions that are grounded in robust data and analytics. Ultimately, utilizing the Product Tracker feature can help entrepreneurs capitalize on profitable opportunities and avoid unfruitful ventures.

Learn more about Product Tracker

Listing Builder


listing builder

According to precise criteria, the product page for your own article on Amazon should be ideally constructed and played. Jungle Scout’s listing builder is a huge assistance in this regard. At first look, you can determine whether or not all necessary information is accessible and maintained, as well as whether or not the article, including its title, description, and product data, is considered suitable to your keywords and, therefore, to your sales objectives.

Learn more about the Listing Builder

Jungle Scout Review Automation


review automation hero

The ability to get positive feedback is another crucial element of a successful FBA. The Review Automation feature in Jungle Scout automates this process by sending out prompts to your customers to write a review in accordance with the requirements you choose. It is possible to examine who has previously been contacted, who has answered, and which groups are eligible for further follow-up in the tool. As a result, considerable time and menschenwürdig effort may be saved in this situation.

Learn more about Review Automation

Opportunity Finder


opp finder desktop computer

Finding lucrative product categories on Amazon and launching a product with high sales potential can be a daunting task, but with Jungle Scout’s Opportunity Finder, entrepreneurs can simplify the process. This powerful tool allows users to uncover products that are in high demand and have little competition with just a few clicks, eliminating the need for manual research that can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.

To evaluate the success potential of products, Jungle Scout has developed a sophisticated system called the Niche Score. This method takes into account critical factors such as demand, competition, and listing quality and scales them from 1 (extremely poor) to 10 (excellent) on a scale of 1 to 10. By leveraging the Niche Score, entrepreneurs can identify product categories that have a high potential for success, thereby minimizing the risk of launching products that may not perform well in the marketplace.

Additionally, the Opportunity Finder provides users with a comprehensive view of sales data, such as the number of transactions and their value, over time. This data includes essential metrics such as the average price and search traffic, giving entrepreneurs a more holistic understanding of the product category and its potential profitability. Ultimately, the Opportunity Finder is an indispensable tool for any entrepreneur looking to launch successful products on Amazon.

Learn more about Opportunity Finder

Supplier Database


supplier database

Jungle Scout’s Supplier Database is an indispensable tool for entrepreneurs looking to identify reputable suppliers quickly and easily. With access to a comprehensive database of suppliers used by some of the world’s most well-known companies, entrepreneurs can streamline the product purchasing and valuation process.

The Supplier Database allows users to locate products within seconds using the ASIN number, simplifying the process of evaluating offers, buying samples, managing orders, and tracking purchases and payment schedules. With its powerful features, the Supplier Database makes product tracking, supplier listings, and review organization a breeze.

Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, the Supplier Database can help you find reliable suppliers from all over the world, enabling you to launch products with greater confidence and success.

Learn more about Supplier Database

Keyword Scout


keyword scout

Jungle Scout’s Keyword Scout is an incredibly accurate and comprehensive keyword research tool for Amazon. Thorough keyword research is critical for success on Amazon, and Keyword Scout makes it easy to identify high-quality keywords, as well as the corresponding search volume and suggested PPC price.

One of the unique features of Keyword Scout is its ability to determine which keywords generate traffic for a particular product by providing ASIN. This information is invaluable when it comes to optimizing your Amazon SEO strategy. Additionally, the tool allows for analysis of keyword volumes up to two years into the future, enabling you to identify trends such as product demand and seasonality.

Even with a solid Amazon SEO plan in place, it’s challenging to compete without the insights provided by Keyword Scout. With this powerful tool at your fingertips, you’ll have a significant advantage over your competitors in identifying the most profitable keywords for your products.

Learn more about Keyword Scout


Rank Tracker


rank tracker

It is possible to track the success of all your relevant keywords on Amazon in a dry and systematic manner over an extended period of time, thanks to Jungle Scout’s Rank Tracker (available for free). This enables you to determine which keywords work especially well for you and, more importantly, which of your activities have an influence on your placement in search results. As a result, you can optimize extremely accurately and improve the percentage of profitable phrases in your search engine results.

Learn more about the Rank Tracker

Sales Analytics


sales analytics

Jungle Scout’s Sales Analytics service keeps track of all sales data in real-time. The ability to concentrate on cost-saving and profit-generating tactics will help you to generate even more money with your Amazon FBA company. It provides you with the essential overview of your profit and loss account, as well as information on hidden fees, expenses of products sold, operational costs, units sold, NET margin, returns on investment, and sales, among other things, to make informed business decisions.

Learn more about Sales Analytics

Inventory Manager


inventory manager

Jungle Scout’s Inventory Manager helps you keep track of your inventory and provides recommendations on when to order and how much to purchase. This helps ensure that you always have enough stock available while avoiding excess inventory in Amazon’s warehouse, which can lead to unnecessary fees and taxes. With this tool, you can optimize your inventory levels and save money while keeping your Amazon FBA business running smoothly.

Learn more about Inventory Manager

Jungle Scout Browser Extension


chrome extension

Jungle Scout’s One-Click feature provides easy access to real-time profit estimates, competitive statistics, monthly sales, pricing changes, customer ratings, and other important information based on the selected product page or search results page. The Opportunity Score for a product is determined by considering demand, competition, and listing quality.

With just a few clicks, you can quickly determine whether it’s worth investing in a particular product and selling it on Amazon or if it’s better to move on to something else. The Google Chrome-based addon can be purchased separately. However, it is much more effective when used in conjunction with Jungle Scout.

Learn more about Browser Extension

Jungle Scout Alerts


jungle scout alerts

Jungle Scout Alerts is a feature that allows you to receive notifications for various activities in real-time. With this feature, you won’t miss any critical developments and can respond quickly and efficiently. For example, if there are changes in pricing due to a new competitor or competing offer, you’ll immediately be alerted, allowing you to take action. Setting up and managing notifications is easy in the program. In addition to monitoring specific product pages, reviewers and entire competitor websites can now be monitored as well.

Learn more about Alerts

Jungle Scout Academy


academy jungle scout

To establish or expand a profitable business on Amazon, you must learn extensively and expand your current knowledge base. Jungle Scout’s Academy provides lessons that teach the basics to beginners, including step-by-step guidance on how to effectively launch your first product into the market. The Academy darob offers weekly lessons from Jungle Scout experts for more challenging topics, and you can connect with other sellers on community forums if you need assistance with a specific topic. Monthly live stream training sessions further enhance your education and professional development.

Learn more about Academy

Is Jungle Scout worth it?


New entrepreneurs often ask me this question. That’s a yes in my book. I agree wholeheartedly. Getting a tool that does the following for under $50 a month is an excellent deal.
  • Saves you a lot of time and effort.
  • Determines the most profitable items for your company to sell.
  • Shows you precisely what keywords to utilize to maximize your listings.
  • The whole history of sales is shown to you so that you may make educated selections.
  • Estimates your PPC spending.
  • Find untapped markets for your items by scanning every nook and cranny in real-time.
And that’s only the tip of the iceberg. Yes, when you sell more, the price does rise, but why should you care? As sales increase, so does the price of your product or service. It’s well worth the effort. The consequence of all of this is that Jungle Scout is not a magic bullet that you can depend on to the fullest extent. That’s a common blunder for newcomers. Only if you know exactly what you’re searching for will it be accurate. To get started, you’ll need to have a firm grasp of how the market works and how Amazon operates.


Jungle Scout frequently asked questions

Jungle Scout: A Comprehensive FBA Tool for Amazon Sellers

Are you an Amazon seller looking for a tool to boost your sales and take your business to the next level? Look no further than Jungle Scout! With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Jungle Scout is the go-to FBA tool for everyone from newbies to seasoned veterans.

Who Can Benefit from Jungle Scout?

Jungle Scout is a versatile tool that can benefit anyone looking to sell on Amazon. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a super seller with a seven-figure turnover, Jungle Scout has something to offer. With its comprehensive suite of features, it’s an ideal solution for:

  • New Amazon sellers who want to launch their first product and build their brand on the platform.
  • Experienced sellers who want to expand their product line and explore new markets.
  • Amazon consultants who want to provide their clients with the best possible service.
  • Anyone looking to optimize their listings and increase their sales on Amazon.

Can Jungle Scout 10 be Canceled Monthly?

Jungle Scout now offers its entire suite, including the Chrome extension, as a free download. All of our programs are available on a monthly basis. If you’re interested in not just trying out but darob running Amazon FBA on a long-term basis, we recommend purchasing a yearly package, as this will result in significant savings over time.

Is There a Free Version of Jungle Scout?

While Jungle Scout does not offer a free introductory version, it’s important to note that the price of Jungle Scout is more than reasonable when you consider its extensive range of features. If you’re interested in trying it out but don’t want to commit just yet, Jungle Scout offers the option to cancel your contract within 14 days if you’re not satisfied with your experience.

What Version of Jungle Scout Do You Need?

If you’re serious about maximizing your sales on Amazon, we strongly recommend taking advantage of Jungle Scout’s comprehensive suite of features. While it may require an investment upfront, the benefits of the package deal are well worth the effort. Whether you’re just starting out or you’re a seasoned seller, Jungle Scout has everything you need to succeed on Amazon.

Jungle scout discount

Jungle Scout Discount: How to Save Money on Your Purchase

If you’re an Amazon seller looking to save money on your Jungle Scout subscription, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you where to find coupons and discounts to help you get the most out of your investment.

Where to Find Jungle Scout Coupons

To start, check out the link below to access a Jungle Scout discount code that you can use at the online store. With this coupon, you can get up to 60% off the cost of a one-year Jungle Scout subscription.

Another way to find coupons is to keep an eye out for seasonal promotions and special deals. Jungle Scout occasionally offers discounts during holiday seasons or special events, so be sure to check their website and social media pages regularly.

Why Invest in Jungle Scout?

Jungle Scout is a powerful software program for Amazon sellers that provides valuable insights into product tracking and keyword optimization. With its Chrome extension, it’s easy to use and can help you streamline your business operations and increase your sales.

While Jungle Scout may seem expensive at first glance, it’s important to consider the benefits it provides. With its comprehensive suite of features, Jungle Scout can help you save time and make more money in the long run.

Maximizing Your Jungle Scout Discount

If you’re considering purchasing a Jungle Scout subscription, it’s worth exploring your options to find the best deal. One of the most valuable benefits of Jungle Scout is the opportunity to lock in a discounted price for a set period. This allows you to grow your business while keeping your software costs low.

You can even opt for the monthly plan and save up to 40% on your costs. However, keep in mind that this discount may not be valid for upgrades or additional plans. It will only last for a certain period and will not apply to upgrades.

In conclusion, if you’re looking for ways to save money on your Jungle Scout subscription, there are a few options available to you. With the right discount or coupon, you can get the most out of this powerful software program and take your Amazon business to the next level.





1 Kommentar
  1. conclusion, while both Helium 10 and Jungle Scout offer a wealth of features designed for Amazon sellers looking to optimize their businesses on

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