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Try Jungle Scout New AI Assist Feature: Revolutionizing Product Research

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jungle scout ai assist
Jungle Scout New AI Assist


Are you tired of sifting through endless products to find the right one to sell on Amazon? Are you looking for a tool that can help you narrow down your search and find profitable products faster? Look no further than Jungle Scout new AI Assist feature.


Jungle Scout has been the go-to tool for Amazon sellers for years, helping them to find profitable products, spy on their competition, and track sales data. With the introduction of AI Assist, Jungle Scout has taken its capabilities to the next level. This new feature uses advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze Amazon data and provide personalized product recommendations.

What is AI Assist?

AI Assist is an artificial intelligence-powered product research tool that provides Amazon sellers with personalized product recommendations. By analyzing billions of data points on Amazon, AI Assist can identify products with high demand, low competition, and high profit potential. It takes into account factors such as sales history, customer reviews, and keyword popularity to provide recommendations that are tailored to each individual seller.

How Does AI Assist Work?

To use AI Assist, simply input a product or niche that you are interested in selling. The AI algorithm will then analyze Amazon data to find products that meet your specific criteria. It takes into account factors such as sales volume, revenue, competition, and more to provide you with a list of highly profitable products.

Benefits of Using AI Assist

  1. Saves Time: With AI Assist, you no longer have to spend hours researching products. The tool does the work for you, providing you with a list of profitable products that meet your criteria.
  2. Increases Profits: By identifying highly profitable products, AI Assist can help you increase your profits and grow your business.
  3. Reduces Risk: AI Assist takes the guesswork out of product research, helping you to avoid costly mistakes and reduce risk.
  4. Personalized Recommendations: AI Assist provides personalized recommendations based on your unique selling criteria, ensuring that you find products that are a good gut in Form for your business.

How to Get Started with AI Assist

To get started with AI Assist, simply sign up for a Jungle Scout account and navigate to the AI Assist tab. Input a product or niche that you are interested in selling, and let the AI algorithm do the rest. You can daher customize your search criteria to ensure that you receive personalized recommendations that meet your specific needs.


AI Assist is available as part of Jungle Scout’s Suite of tools, which includes other powerful features such as the Product Database, Keyword Scout, and more. AI Assist is currently available in beta for all Professional plan users!


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Jungle Scout new AI Assist feature is revolutionizing the way Amazon sellers conduct product research. By using advanced artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze Amazon data, AI Assist provides personalized product recommendations that can help sellers save time, increase profits, and reduce risk. If you’re looking for a tool that can help you find profitable products faster, be sure to try Jungle Scout new AI Assist feature.


Q1: What is Jungle Scout’s new AI Assist feature?

A1: Jungle Scout’s new AI Assist feature is an artificial intelligence-powered product research tool that provides personalized product recommendations to Amazon sellers. It analyzes Amazon data to identify products with high demand, low competition, and high profit potential.

Q2: How does AI Assist work?

A2: To use AI Assist, Amazon sellers simply input a product or niche they are interested in selling. The AI algorithm analyzes Amazon data and takes into account factors such as sales volume, revenue, competition, and more to provide a list of highly profitable products that meet the seller’s specific criteria.

Q3: What are the benefits of using AI Assist?

A3: The benefits of using AI Assist include saving time, increasing profits, reducing risk, and receiving personalized recommendations based on unique selling criteria. By identifying highly profitable products, AI Assist can help Amazon sellers grow their businesses and avoid costly mistakes.

Q4: How can one get started with AI Assist?

A4: To get started with AI Assist, one needs to sign up for a Jungle Scout account and navigate to the AI Assist tab. Input a product or niche of interest, and let the AI algorithm do the rest. The search criteria can daher be customized to ensure that personalized recommendations meet specific needs.

Q5: What is the pricing for AI Assist?

A5: AI Assist is part of Jungle Scout’s Suite of tools, which includes other features such as the Product Database and Keyword Scout. AI Assist is currently available in beta for all Professional plan users!


$ 29 /mo
Review Automation core tool
Single user license
Full access to the browser extension (Chrome + Firefox)
$ 49 /mo
Review Automation with
Advanced features
Ability to add more users
Access to more in-depth historical product and keyword data
Advanced seller features
$ 84 /mo
Track up to 1000 ASINs
6 users included
6 months of historical data in Product Tracker
2 years of historical keyword data
Priority onboarding
News! AI Assist




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