Modern technology gives us many things.

Top Alternative to Jungle Scout

0 11
$ 29 /mo
Review Automation core tool
Single user license
Full access to the browser extension (Chrome + Firefox)
$ 49 /mo
Review Automation with
Advanced features
Ability to add more users
Access to more in-depth historical product and keyword data
Advanced seller features
$ 84 /mo
Track up to 1000 ASINs
6 users included
6 months of historical data in Product Tracker
2 years of historical keyword data
Priority onboarding
News! AI Assist

In today’s competitive e-commerce market, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial for success. That’s why we present to you the “Top Alternative to Jungle Scout,” a comprehensive and efficient solution for product research and analysis. With its user-friendly interface and powerful features, this alternative offers all the necessary tools to help you find profitable products, track sales, and stay ahead of the competition. Whether you’re an experienced seller or just starting out, this alternative is designed to meet all your needs and facilitate your journey towards e-commerce excellence.

Jungle Scout alternative
Jungle Scout alternative

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Helium 10


Helium 10 is a leading software tool that provides a wide range of features designed to help Amazon sellers optimize their business and maximize their profitability. With Helium 10, you can conduct in-depth product research, perform keyword research, optimize your product listings, manage your inventory, and provide exceptional customer support.

Product Research

Helium 10’s product research feature allows you to find profitable products to sell on Amazon. The tool provides you with comprehensive data on sales trends, pricing, and competition for different products. This helps you make informed decisions and choose products that have a high potential for success.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is essential for improving your product’s visibility on Amazon. Helium 10’s keyword research feature allows you to identify the most relevant and high-converting keywords for your product. By optimizing your product listings with these keywords, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more potential buyers.

Listing Optimization

Helium 10 offers a listing optimization feature that helps you fine-tune your product listings for maximum visibility and conversions. The tool provides insights into factors like title optimization, bullet points, product descriptions, and backend search terms. By optimizing these elements, you can improve your product’s chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more potential customers.

Inventory Management

Effective inventory management is crucial for Amazon sellers to avoid stockouts and maximize profits. Helium 10’s inventory management feature allows you to track your inventory levels, set reorder alerts, and streamline your supply chain. This helps you ensure that you always have enough stock to meet customer demand, while minimizing excess inventory costs.


Helium 10 offers different pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of the features and resources available, allowing users to choose the most suitable option for their business. Whether you’re just starting out or have an established Amazon business, Helium 10 has a pricing plan that can accommodate your needs and budget.

Customer Support

Helium 10 is committed to providing exceptional customer support to its users. The company has a dedicated support team that is readily available to assist users with any questions or issues they may encounter. Whether you need help with the software features, troubleshooting, or general guidance, Helium 10’s customer support team is there to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience.

Viral Launch


Viral Launch is another top-notch software tool that offers a range of features designed to enhance your Amazon selling experience. With Viral Launch, you can conduct product discovery, gain market intelligence, perform keyword research, optimize your product listings, and utilize launch tools to boost your sales.

Product Discovery

Viral Launch’s product discovery feature allows you to find profitable product opportunities on Amazon. The tool provides you with extensive data on sales trends, competition, and market demand, helping you identify products with high potential for success. By leveraging this information, you can make informed decisions on which products to sell and increase your chances of generating significant sales.

Market Intelligence

Having access to market intelligence is crucial for understanding the competitive landscape and identifying profitable niches. Viral Launch’s market intelligence feature provides valuable insights into market trends, customer preferences, and competitor analysis. By using this information, you can identify untapped market opportunities and develop effective strategies to gain a competitive edge.

Keyword Research

Keyword research is a fundamental aspect of optimizing your product listings and improving your visibility on Amazon. Viral Launch’s keyword research feature allows you to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your product. By incorporating these keywords into your product listings, you can improve your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more potential customers.

Listing Optimization

Viral Launch offers a listing optimization feature that helps you fine-tune your product listings for maximum visibility and conversions. The tool provides insights into elements like product titles, bullet points, product descriptions, and backend search terms. By optimizing these elements based on data-driven recommendations, you can significantly improve your product’s visibility and sales potential.

Launch Tools

Launching a new product on Amazon can be challenging, but with Viral Launch’s launch tools, you can streamline the process and maximize your chances of success. The tool provides features like sales velocity tracking, review monitoring, and promotional strategies to help you effectively launch your products and generate early momentum.


Viral Launch offers different pricing plans to cater to the needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing users to choose the most suitable option based on their business requirements. Whether you’re an established seller or just starting out, Viral Launch’s pricing plans provide flexibility and scalability to accommodate your business growth.

Launch Tools
Launch Tools



AMZScout is a comprehensive software tool that offers a range of features to support Amazon sellers in their business endeavors. With AMZScout, you can leverage product databases, track product performance, perform keyword research, optimize your product listings, and estimate your sales potential.

Product Database

AMZScout’s product database feature allows you to access a vast library of Amazon products and gather crucial data for your research. This data includes information on sales trends, product ratings, competition, and pricing history. By leveraging this comprehensive product database, you can identify profitable product opportunities and gain a better understanding of market demand.

Product Tracker

Tracking your product’s performance is essential for assessing its market potential and making data-driven decisions. AMZScout’s product tracker feature enables you to monitor your product’s sales, ranking, and reviews over time. This allows you to analyze trends, identify patterns, and optimize your strategies to boost your sales and profitability.

Keyword Explorer

Keyword research is vital for improving your product’s visibility and attracting the right target audience. AMZScout’s keyword explorer feature provides detailed insights into the most relevant and high-converting keywords for your product. By incorporating these keywords into your product listings, you can improve your search rankings and drive more organic traffic to your listing.

Listing Optimizer

Optimizing your product listings is crucial for maximizing your chances of attracting potential buyers and generating sales. AMZScout’s listing optimizer feature provides actionable recommendations for optimizing your product titles, bullet points, product descriptions, and backend search terms. Incorporating these recommendations can significantly improve your product’s visibility and conversion rates.

Sales Estimator

Estimating sales potential is essential for setting realistic goals and developing effective sales strategies. AMZScout’s sales estimator feature provides you with data-backed estimates on sales volume, revenue, and profits for different products. By analyzing these estimates, you can make informed decisions on product selection, pricing, and overall business strategy.


AMZScout offers different pricing plans to accommodate the diverse needs of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing users to select the most suitable option based on their business requirements and budget. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, AMZScout’s pricing plans can provide the flexibility and scalability you need to grow your business steadily.

Unicorn Smasher


Unicorn Smasher is a powerful software tool that offers a range of features designed to support Amazon sellers in optimizing their business operations. With Unicorn Smasher, you can access a comprehensive product database, track product performance, conduct keyword research, evaluate market opportunities, and estimate sales potential.

Product Database

Unicorn Smasher’s product database is a valuable resource that provides detailed information on millions of Amazon products. This includes data on sales history, pricing, reviews, and market trends. By leveraging this vast database, you can identify profitable product opportunities and gain valuable insights into market demand and competition.

Product Tracker

Tracking your product’s performance is essential for understanding its market potential and making informed business decisions. Unicorn Smasher’s product tracker allows you to monitor key metrics such as sales, rankings, and reviews over time. By analyzing these metrics, you can identify trends, assess the effectiveness of your strategies, and make data-driven optimizations to maximize your sales.

Keyword Explorer

Optimizing your product listings with relevant and high-converting keywords is crucial for improving your visibility on Amazon. Unicorn Smasher’s keyword explorer feature provides in-depth insights into popular search terms and keywords related to your product. By incorporating these keywords into your listings, you can increase your chances of ranking higher in search results and attracting more potential buyers.

Opportunity Score

Evaluating market opportunities is a vital aspect of running a successful Amazon business. Unicorn Smasher’s opportunity score feature provides a quantitative assessment of the potential profitability of different products. By analyzing this score, you can quickly identify products with high demand, low competition, and good profit margins, allowing you to make informed decisions on product selection and business strategy.

Sales Estimates

Estimating sales potential is crucial for setting realistic goals and making informed business decisions. Unicorn Smasher’s sales estimates feature provides data-backed estimates on sales volume, revenue, and profits for different products. By analyzing these estimates, you can identify high-potential products, optimize your pricing strategies, and develop effective sales and marketing plans.


Unicorn Smasher offers different pricing plans to cater to the various needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing users to select the most suitable option for their business. Whether you’re a small seller or an established brand, Unicorn Smasher’s pricing plans offer flexibility and scalability to support your growth on Amazon.

Sales Estimates
Sales Estimates

Scope by Seller Labs


Scope by Seller Labs is a comprehensive software tool that offers a range of features to help Amazon sellers optimize their product research, keyword research, listing optimization, and overall business performance.

Product Research

Scope’s product research feature provides sellers with valuable insights and data on product trends, sales history, and competition. By leveraging this data, sellers can identify profitable product opportunities and make informed decisions on which products to sell. Product research is a critical aspect of building a successful Amazon business, as it allows sellers to understand market demand, competition levels, and potential profitability.

Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is essential for improving product visibility and attracting relevant customer traffic on Amazon. Scope’s keyword research feature provides sellers with detailed insights into popular keywords related to their products. By incorporating these targeted keywords into product listings, sellers can optimize their listings for better search visibility and increase the chances of appearing in search results for relevant queries.

Listing Optimization

Optimizing product listings is key to attracting potential customers and generating sales on Amazon. Scope’s listing optimization feature provides actionable recommendations for improving product titles, bullet points, product descriptions, and backend search terms. By implementing these optimization strategies, sellers can enhance their product’s visibility, improve conversion rates, and ultimately drive more sales.

Sales, Rank & Revenue Estimator

Accurately estimating sales, rankings, and revenue is crucial for setting realistic goals and developing effective strategies. Scope’s sales, rank, and revenue estimator feature provides sellers with data-backed estimates on these metrics for different products. By analyzing these estimates, sellers can make informed decisions on product selection, pricing strategies, and overall business planning.


Scope by Seller Labs offers diverse pricing plans to meet the needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans come with different features and resources to cater to sellers at various stages of their Amazon journey. Whether you’re a new seller looking to optimize your product research or an established seller seeking advanced keyword research and listing optimization, Scope’s pricing plans offer flexibility and scalability to support your business growth.



Sellery is a comprehensive software tool designed to help Amazon sellers optimize their pricing strategies, inventory management, and overall business performance. With Sellery, sellers can benefit from advanced repricing capabilities, streamlined inventory management, detailed profit dashboards, and comprehensive analytics and reporting.

Advanced Repricing

Optimizing pricing strategies is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and maximizing profits on Amazon. Sellery’s advanced repricing feature allows sellers to automate and optimize their pricing strategies based on various factors such as competition, sales velocity, and desired profit margins. By leveraging this feature, sellers can ensure their products are competitively priced to maximize sales while maintaining profitability.

Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is vital to meet customer demand, minimize stockouts, and avoid overstock situations. Sellery’s inventory management feature offers sellers streamlined tools and capabilities to monitor and manage their inventory levels effectively. Sellers can set reorder alerts, track inventory movements, and optimize their supply chain to ensure they always have the right inventory levels at the right time.

Profit Dashboard

Having a clear overview of your business’s profitability is crucial for making informed decisions and driving growth. Sellery’s profit dashboard provides sellers with detailed insights into their sales, costs, and profit margins. This comprehensive overview allows sellers to identify which products or strategies are driving the most profit and make data-driven decisions to optimize their overall business performance.

Analytics & Reporting

Effective data analysis and reporting are essential for understanding your business’s performance and identifying growth opportunities. Sellery’s analytics and reporting feature offers sellers comprehensive reporting capabilities, allowing them to gain valuable insights into key metrics such as sales, profitability, and pricing history. By analyzing this data, sellers can identify trends, make informed decisions, and develop effective strategies to drive business growth.


Sellery offers various pricing plans to meet the diverse needs of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing sellers to select the most suitable option based on their business requirements and budget. Whether you’re a new seller or an established brand, Sellery’s pricing plans provide flexibility and scalability to support your business growth on Amazon.



Sellics is a comprehensive software tool that offers a range of features to help Amazon sellers optimize their product research, keyword ranking, profit calculation, and overall business performance.

Product Research

Sellics’ product research feature provides sellers with valuable insights into market demand, competition levels, and potential profitability. By leveraging this data, sellers can identify profitable product opportunities and make informed decisions on which products to sell. Product research is a crucial component of building a successful Amazon business, as it allows sellers to understand customer preferences, competition, and market trends.

Keyword Ranking

Optimizing keyword rankings is crucial for improving product visibility and attracting relevant customer traffic on Amazon. Sellics’ keyword ranking feature provides sellers with detailed insights into keyword performance and search rankings. By analyzing this data, sellers can identify keywords with high search volume and optimize their product listings accordingly to increase visibility and drive more traffic.

Profit Calculation

Accurately calculating profits is essential for monitoring business performance and making informed pricing decisions. Sellics’ profit calculation feature provides sellers with comprehensive insights into their revenue, costs, fees, and profit margins. By analyzing this data, sellers can optimize their pricing strategies, identify profitable products, and maximize their overall profitability on Amazon.

Inventory Management

Efficient inventory management is crucial for meeting customer demand, minimizing stockouts, and avoiding excessive inventory costs. Sellics’ inventory management feature allows sellers to track and manage their inventory levels effectively. Sellers can set reorder alerts, monitor stock movements, and optimize their supply chain to ensure optimal inventory levels and minimize costs.


Sellics offers different pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing sellers to choose the most suitable option based on their business requirements. Whether you’re a new seller looking for essential features or an established brand with advanced needs, Sellics’ pricing plans offer flexibility and scalability to support your business growth.



ASINspector is a comprehensive software tool designed to help Amazon sellers with their product research, keyword analysis, profit calculation, and sales tracking needs.

Product Research

ASINspector’s product research feature provides sellers with valuable insights into market demand, competition levels, and potential profitability for different products. By leveraging this data, sellers can identify profitable product opportunities and make informed decisions on which products to sell. Product research is a crucial aspect of building a successful Amazon business, as it allows sellers to understand market trends, customer preferences, and potential profitability.

Keyword Analyzer

Optimizing keyword usage is essential for improving product visibility and attracting relevant customer traffic on Amazon. ASINspector’s keyword analyzer feature provides sellers with detailed insights into keyword performance and search volume. By analyzing this data, sellers can identify high-performing keywords, optimize product listings accordingly, and increase their chances of ranking higher in search results.

Profit Calculator

Accurately calculating profits is essential for monitoring business performance and optimizing pricing strategies. ASINspector’s profit calculator feature provides sellers with comprehensive insights into their revenue, costs, fees, and profit margins. By analyzing this data, sellers can make informed pricing decisions, identify profitable products, and optimize their overall profitability on Amazon.

Sales Tracking

Tracking and analyzing sales performance is crucial for understanding product trends and making informed business decisions. ASINspector’s sales tracking feature provides sellers with detailed insights into their sales volume, revenue, and sales history. By analyzing this data, sellers can identify trends, assess the effectiveness of their marketing strategies, and make data-driven optimizations to maximize sales potential.


ASINspector offers different pricing plans to cater to the needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing sellers to select the most suitable option based on their business requirements and budget. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, ASINspector’s pricing plans provide flexibility and scalability to support your business growth on Amazon.



AmazeOwl is a comprehensive software tool designed to help Amazon sellers with their product research, keyword tracking, listing optimization, and sales estimation needs.

Product Research

AmazeOwl’s product research feature provides sellers with valuable insights into market demand, competition levels, and potential profitability. By leveraging this data, sellers can identify profitable product opportunities and make informed decisions on which products to sell. Product research is a crucial aspect of building a successful Amazon business, as it allows sellers to understand market trends, competition, and potential profitability.

Keyword Tracking

Effective keyword tracking is crucial for monitoring product visibility and optimizing listing strategies on Amazon. AmazeOwl’s keyword tracking feature allows sellers to monitor the performance of keywords related to their products. By analyzing keyword rankings and trends, sellers can optimize their product listings accordingly and improve their chances of ranking higher in search results.

Listing Optimization

Optimizing product listings is key to attracting potential customers and generating sales on Amazon. AmazeOwl’s listing optimization feature provides sellers with actionable recommendations for improving product titles, bullet points, product descriptions, and backend search terms. By implementing these optimization strategies, sellers can enhance their product’s visibility, improve conversion rates, and ultimately drive more sales.

Sales Estimates

Accurately estimating sales potential is crucial for setting realistic goals and making informed business decisions. AmazeOwl’s sales estimation feature provides sellers with data-backed estimates on sales volume, revenue, and profits for different products. By analyzing these estimates, sellers can identify high-potential products, optimize their pricing strategies, and develop effective sales and marketing plans.


AmazeOwl offers different pricing plans to meet the diverse needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing sellers to select the most suitable option based on their business requirements. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced seller, AmazeOwl’s pricing plans offer flexibility and scalability to support your business growth on Amazon.



SellerApp is a comprehensive software tool designed to help Amazon sellers with their product research, keyword research, listing optimization, and sales analytics needs.

Product Research

SellerApp’s product research feature provides sellers with valuable insights into market demand, competition levels, and potential profitability. By leveraging this data, sellers can identify profitable product opportunities and make informed decisions on which products to sell. Product research is a critical aspect of building a successful Amazon business, as it allows sellers to understand customer preferences, market trends, and potential profitability.

Keyword Research

Effective keyword research is essential for improving product visibility and attracting relevant customer traffic on Amazon. SellerApp’s keyword research feature provides sellers with detailed insights into popular keywords related to their products. By incorporating these targeted keywords into product listings, sellers can optimize their listings for better search visibility and increase the chances of appearing in search results for relevant queries.

Listing Optimization

Optimizing product listings is crucial for maximizing product visibility and driving conversions on Amazon. SellerApp’s listing optimization feature provides actionable recommendations for improving product titles, bullet points, product descriptions, and backend search terms. By implementing these recommendations, sellers can significantly improve their product’s visibility and conversion rates.

Sales Analytics

Analyzing sales performance and understanding growth opportunities is vital for making informed business decisions. SellerApp’s sales analytics feature provides sellers with comprehensive insights into their sales trends, revenue, and profitability. By analyzing this data, sellers can identify trends, evaluate the impact of their marketing strategies, and make data-driven optimizations to maximize their sales and overall business performance.


SellerApp offers different pricing plans to cater to the diverse needs and budget of Amazon sellers. The plans vary in terms of included features and resources, allowing sellers to select the most suitable option based on their business requirements. Whether you’re a new seller seeking essential features or an established brand looking for advanced tools, SellerApp’s pricing plans provide flexibility and scalability to support your business growth on Amazon.

In conclusion, there are several alternative tools available to Amazon sellers who are looking for alternatives to Jungle Scout. Each tool offers a unique set of features designed to help sellers optimize their product research, keyword research, listing optimization, and overall business performance. By leveraging these tools, sellers can gain valuable insights into market demand, competition levels, profitability, and other key metrics. Whether you’re a new seller just starting out or an established brand looking to scale your Amazon business, these alternative tools provide flexibility and scalability to support your growth on the platform.


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